Sharing with groups

Your knowledge is most useful when you can share it quickly with others. In Mem, you can use Groups to easily share notes with multiple collaborators at once.
To add a new Group, click your profile picture in the upper right corner of the app, click "Settings", then click "Sharing Groups." Click the "New Group" button and type your new group name in the pop up window.
To add new members to the Group, click on the new group name listed on the Sharing Groups page, then click on the "Add a member" button. You can start typing the name of a new member and their name will appear in the dropdown menu if you've collaborated with them before, or you can add an email address to send them an email inviting them to the Group.
Any existing notes shared with the group will also automatically be shared with the new collaborator.
To share a note with a group, just click the "Share" button at the top of a note and type in the name of a group.